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How we give back!

Here at Johnson Elite Orthodontics, we believe in giving back to our community. Our office is involved in many events and activities and sponsors private teams for children. We love sponsoring teams, and always choose the highest level of sponsorship in order to have the greatest impact and be as involved as possible. We invite you to call our office to find out more about our community involvement. Our team will be happy to provide you with more details or help you make an appointment with Dr. Spencer Johnson, our orthodontist in Salt Lake City and South Jordan, Utah.




Team Sponsorships

One of the ways Dr. Johnson gives back to the community is through sponsoring local high school bike teams. We sponsor teams at:

olympusOlympus High School

eastEast High School

skylineSkyline High School


herrimanHerriman High School

binghamBingham High School

rivertonRiverton High School

herrimanMountain Ridge High School

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