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Why Become an Orthodontist for Kids?

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Ask a an orthodontist for kids why they chose this specialty, and you’ll get a variety of responses. Any kind of dentist beyond a general dentist opts into extra years of schooling and training. This means delaying a full-time salary, making further sacrifices and sometimes delving so deeply into a subject that it becomes a part of you. Every dental niche attracts a different kind of person, and working with children and orthodontics is one that requires a particular personality. It’s not easy to become a great dentist — and it’s even tougher to become an orthodontist.

Pediatric dental experts may see children with behavioral disorders, severe dentophobia and seemingly out-of-the-blue tantrums, and they treat all with grace and a smile. They build relationships not just with their young patients, but entire families, for several years. Ideally, your children’s first orthodontist visit happens when they’re youngsters and their teeth are most malleable. But your orthodontist might also be treating them when they come home from college break. It all depends.

There’s no one right answer to, “Why did you become an orthodontist who works with kids?” However, you might find a few recurring themes:

  • They love children.
    • This should be obvious, but anyone who spends so much extra money, time and training on orthodontics loves kids. These dentists usually have a special bond with children and a knack for keeping them calm and happy in sometimes stressful situations.
  • They want a better experience for others than they had.
    • Depending on the age of your orthodontist, he or she might not have had such a great time themselves at the dentist as kids, before the era of sleep dentistry, advanced sedation techniques and special child psychology training. There’s no doubt that orthodontics isn’t what it used to be — and that’s a good thing.
  • They want to work with entire families.
    • Being an orthodontist is so much more than just treating young patients. It’s also educating and working with whole families for holistic family health. Very few adults know fully how to perform proper oral hygiene at home. You forget brushing techniques and cheat with how long you really floss. This means leading by example doesn’t happen. Orthodontists are born teachers.
  • They believe offices should have stickers and games.
    • By far, the best offices and wings of any medical facility are where kids come first. It’s just a lot more fun there. Why would you spend all day in a boring medical office when you could be in one brimming with toys, games and special treats?

You should consider many factors when choosing an orthodontist: their education, training, technological equipment and reviews. However, don’t overlook their natural relationship with your child. It’s priceless. Contact Johnson Elite Orthodontics today and connect with a local pediatric dentist who has your child’s best interests at heart.

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